Saturday, June 03, 2006

My Energy Utopia

Let’s envision a world in which those who can afford to consume relentlessly choose instead to conserve.

Looks odd to this Torontonian’s eyes. Everyone moves so slowly here. The streets are filled with people walking with an unhurried spring in their collective step. They make eye contact and sometimes smile and shake hands, they are unafraid of each other. It’s like that Louis Armstrong song. Not only that but it’s summer and I can breathe – no smog!

In this familiar yet strange city people are having lingering conversations with the people they pass on the street. And among all this talk I hear nary a word on climate change, not a hint of 25-tonne bombs falling on far-off lands, not a syllable about kids shooting at each other here at home.

Being a serious Big City Cat I take all the idle chit-chat I can stand and 30 seconds later find myself hollering at random passersby: “How can you talk so much without saying anything of the important decisions to be made? What about unemployment? War and peace? Healthcare? How to meet our energy needs?”

A middle-aged man with a million dollar haircut takes the time to answer me, but not without pity in his eyes. “All those things are taken care of,” he tells me. “Starting with the last one you mentioned. We just stopped using so much energy, quit consuming so much stuff. It’s a funny thing about cutting back on consumption – it’s like dominos. Without all that burning of fuels and whatnot, the air gets cleaner, people get healthier. Then you focus more of your effort on health care instead of sick care – you think about how we can all live healthy lifestyles the whole way through. And as for war, well it’s less of an issue once you stop fighting over resources. ”

“But what about the economy?” I ask the crowd that has now gathered around me. “How can it function without fuel?”

An elderly woman answers, “The economy has never been better because we’re investing in people instead of things. Without having to invest so much money in gadgets, doohickeys and whatnots, we have enough money to focus on things that matter in life: healthy food, housing, clothing, art, education. When you invest in people instead of things, you have enough money for music and sports programs in schools, for parks, for safe drinking water – things we all want. These kinds of programs mean that there’s plenty of work for everyone to do.”

Intriguing, but I wonder how folks in this kind of society keep warm in winter and cool in summer? As if reading my mind, a 30-something man rolling by on his skateboard explains that in a well-designed house of an appropriate size, you can minimize the amount of energy you need to keep warm in the winter. And, he tells me, “In the summer you just take your clothes off.”

The vision gets a little hazy there. It’s all so hard to imagine isn’t it? Because we’re so far away from that kind of world and that kind of thinking. It’s a long road from here to a sustainable, healthy world, but you know what they say about a journey of 6 billion steps. It starts with you.

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Ah-ha! I've spotted the flaw and I shall reveal it by way of a question: How are the wealthy and well-off supposed to add to their wealth? If you are able, please supply credible information to satisfy my curiosity. And then we may or may not speak more of this Utopia of yours.

In other developments, I have not a solitary clue why you can't access information at TTCE. You have necessary privileges? Check. You log in? Check. You click the link to TTCE? Check.

See, I'm stumped.

Such beauty in that first phrase.

Will this become a reality, or will we subscribe to our age old template of realising hindsight is a wonderful thing, as we burn up in our own waste and rocket towards the sun like screwed ball of paper into a waste bin?
They add to their wealth by increasing their standard of living while decreasing their expenses. Ha!

Ultra, only time will tell, more time than I have I'm afraid. Let's hope we outperform our predecessors on this one.
Let’s envision a world in which those who can afford to consume relentlessly choose instead to conserve.

Well, interesting. But why is it that just the “rich” must conserve? (However, I must agree with you on getting folks to cut back.)

My latest issue of Nature Conservancy has a series of very interesting articles about, what they call, “The Poverty/Conservation Equation”.

”You can’t overlook that poverty has a lot to do with environmental degradation”…

”It’s not that a poor person has a natural tendency to degrade the environment. It’s that he needs the environment to survive.

They address the issue that conservationists have not paid much attention in getting the poor involved with conservation. It’s pretty long, but I think you’ll like this article here.

not a hint of 25-tonne bombs falling on far-off lands
I bet you did not hear much talk of 5 pound homicide bombs either. Well, I bet that you’d hear a lot of talk now about 2 ton fertilizer bombs in not so far-off lands…. (I know, cheap shot because of the post date of your article :) )

And as for war, well it’s less of an issue once you stop fighting over resources.
Umm, Religious wars anyone?

Intriguing, but I wonder how folks in this kind of society keep warm in winter and cool in summer?

Plant some trees for shade. I have about 20 trees (Red Oaks, Tulip poplars) on my little quarter acre plot of land. I have 6 more that are only about 2 to 3 feet tall growing in what used to be my front lawn. The larger trees provide enough shade that I do not have to use my air-conditioner at all. That may not sound that difficult to you folks living in the great white North, but 90 percent humidity/ 90 degrees down here really sucks. Spending a lot of time in my lower levels helps as well.

Buy some land….and KEEP IT undeveloped. If you own it, they can’t develop it (OK, there is that little eminent domain issue, but that’s for another time to discuss). I own just less than 160 acres of wooded land between Baltimore and DC.

There is not a month that goes by that I don’t get a letter, or phone call from someone who wants to help me “maximize my potential earnings” from this acreage. When I first purchased this land, there was not a speck of development in the area…now my land is some of the only land left in the area with trees….and without homes.

As for heat in the winter: solar heating panels. In the article I posted, it mentions that they are helping the half-million families who live in a rural area in China stop cutting 300,000 acres of forest each year for fuel by installing these solar panels.

It starts with you.
Yes, it does. But it is going to take more than just lip service, and a bumper sticker. The other day I was in my little 12 year old four cylinder putt-putt car when a HUGE Cadillac SUV goes blowing by me, and turned into the McMansion subdivision of obscenely HUGE homes that not 5 years ago was 10 acres of beautiful forest. On the back of her bumper was a sticker that said “More Trees-Less Bush”. Right. But she most likely really thinks that she’s helping the environment.

Sorry for the rambling post, but just listening to the ball game...
O’s 4
Other Birds 0
Dear anonymous scribe: 'Let’s envision a world in which those who can afford to consume relentlessly choose instead to conserve' does not necessarily imply that it's only the rich who can afford it. Perhaps it was intended to group countries such as the US of motherfucking A and the monster trucks driven by every other yin yang to get from the mall to the nearest McDickheads to saturate their veins with an oil of their choice.

I'm thinking out aloud here, but I'm pretty sure there's more than one way to interpret that particular cat.

While we're mincing words in the proverbial cheese grater, what exactly is a 'little quarter acre' and were you, somehow, ripped off and completely aware that you were ripped off? I'd be knocking on a few doors demanding the remainder of that quarter acre, Hombre.

Start with: 'My want I full quarter-acre block, Chico!' and just adlib from there.

Seriously, dude. Have some balls and state a reference. We'll still ignore you. I promise. Quoting me, quoting you, a-ha...
There is nothing we can do...


Yes, I agree with Andini, Mr Anon.

Nobody said it wa only the rich:

'Let’s envision a world in which those who can afford to consume relentlessly choose instead to conserve.'

I think 'those who can afford' is the operative phrase here. Anyone with a penny to their name. Look after them and the pounds will look after themselves, as the saying goes. (depending on your currency.)
anon, Andy, Ultra, by those who can afford it I mainly mean us middle classers with our ipods laptops and other latest devices. the hummer-driving monster home owners also qualify. But anon makes a very good point about how eco-types ignore poverty and the poor. There was some great work starting in Toronto to get peole with low incomes involved in environmental projects and work to improve their standard of living in their apartments at the same time. Unfortunately the new conservative hacks buzzsawed much of that kind of praxis into termite food.
what exactly is a 'little quarter acre'

It would appear that they have “little quarter acres” in Australia as well.

The Australian dream of what we call it the quarter acre block, most suburban blocks are a little smaller than quarter of an acre,…

Read it here

And, darn, wouldn’t you know it, they have the “little quarter acres” in New Zealand as well!

Without the ‘Maori’ Land court, no-one in NZ would have their little quarter acre of paradise because it was once all Maori land. Fear mongerers say that there is some kind of a Maori takeover of the beaches going on.

Read this one here

Even this guy got ripped off

Start with: 'My want I full quarter-acre block, Chico!' and just adlib from there.

What do you know; a red-neck from down under. My goodness, I can only imagine if I had used that word. I think I would have been called a racist. Or xenophobic. Or maybe even gotten something like a knife in my back. You know how violent those wetbacks are, right Andy?
Benji: Sorry about this, mate.

Anonymous: You've put me in my place. What can I say?

You're right; it does appear that way, doesn't it? The metric system has a funny way of distorting units of measurement which are rarely used in developing parts of the world. If the leaders of my country continue to catch a lift on the hallowed coattails of that Texan half-wit so many people speak so highly of, perhaps this could change and we'll all talk like y'all (or your Big Brother type neighbours) when we go to fill up our gas tanks at the gas station. For the record, we prefer petrol from petrol stations as gas is reserved for barbecues and hot water systems.

I'm not sure if you're aware of Australia's status among the multi-culturally elite nations of the world. Perhaps you've Googled that, too?

I was spawned by two people with roots from places other than in Australia: Hungary and the former Yugoslavia. I took my first steps in Germany before spending the bulk of my life (to this point) in Australia. My first child was conceived in Japan. S/he will take her/his first steps in Australia, which will have become a decidedly more racist place compared to when I took my first steps there.

Nevertheless, many a foreign-sounding (whatever that is) name can be found at the helm of many a varied job in Australia, including that of the real estate industry. Maybe it's different in your neck of the woods. I can't say for certain as I've never been there.

I'm not sure what a red-neck is or, for that matter, what a wetback is, Anonymous, as it isn't part of the Australian vernacular. We do have ockers, dagoes, wogs, skippies, towelies, lebos (and even lesbos) and a few other derogatory terms for what in effect are people. Do any of those terms come close to the people you're talking about? Fill me in.

So you know, the "reference" part of my reference was in reference to your online identity, not to your proof of Googling ability.

You're welcome to leave insightful observations at my blog anytime you want as I've now made commenting available to anonymous scribes just like you.

Have a field day, dude. Go to town, man. And other cliches.
Anon I also meant to answer your question about religious wars. I don't believe they exist. Religion is an excuse. Bush is about as much a Christian as Osama is a Muslim, which is not at all. They are fighting for the ultimate resource: power. And they are nuts. The crusades (both the Christian and the Muslim ones) of yore were also about resources; religion is a handy excuse to pump up the crowd and is an easier sell.
My intent was not to place you anywhere. It’s just that I’ve been called a racist so many times (even on this site, if you can believe it!) that I wanted to try on the “morally superior coat” for a second It’s pretty rare for an American now-a-days to get to do that. :) Or was that “majorly morally fucked”? Nice line. I stole it...(see Benji for details).

I'm not sure if you're aware of Australia's status among the multi-culturally elite nations of the world.

There are thousands of things that I do not know about Australia. That, however, was one thing I may have known. I recently purchased a book titled The Fatal Shore, a History of the Transportation of Convicts to Australia, 1787-1868 by Robert Hughes, which may help with my historical knowledge of your country. It is number 47 on my need to read list, because it looks very interesting. How can it be that we read, we discuss, and still we know nothing?

I'm not sure what a red-neck is or, for that matter, what a wetback is..
I did read something one time about the term “Cosmopolitan” being used in Australia. If you know what that is, then a redneck is the opposite. If you don’t, then think pickup truck, beer, gun rack, chewing tobacco, beer, confederate flags, beer, hunting, t-shirts, beer, stock car races, beer, strip bars. You won’t be far from redneck. Not that those things are bad, mind you.

Of course, Benji might just define a redneck as an American. But that is another fight for another day.

Wetback = worse than “Chico”. Oh, maybe “Chico” times five.

So you know, the "reference" part of my reference was in reference to your online identity, not to your proof of Googling ability.
Yeah. I knew that. I knew what you were referring to in reference to your reference of referencing. Too much junk mail, etc if you sign up for things. Plus, you know that damn Bush administration and spying and all...

You're welcome to leave insightful observations at my blog anytime you want …

Smart Ass answer: (with apologies to a famous comedian) Why would I want to post on a blog that would want me as a poster on that blog?

Real Answer: Thanks. But remember that reading list from above? It’s waaaaayy longer than 47. I just can’t add anymore blogs at this time, as I have only so much time, but I truly appreciate the offer.
The source of power is religion. It was during the crusades, and it is now. Even if Bush, as you say, is not a Christian, it was certainly the Christians who gave him the power he has. Ditto with OBL. They both get/got their power from religion. Neither has to be religious to benefit from the power that religion gave them.

Say, aren’t we saying the same thing here?

Shoot, BJays won again.
anon, I think we are indeed saying the same thing, and I'll add this: take away the struggle for resources and the big boys no longer need to exploit religion to justify their pissfights, i.e. no more war. easier said than done, but I think envisioning it is the first step.

also, i agree that sloganeering doesn't cut it for a solution. when I say 'it starts with you' it is actually a counter to the many many people I know who say things like, "yeah, climate change's a bitch, but it's outta my hands."
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